Papers' Submission Procedure

Authors must follow the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings to prepare a manuscript with a length of six (6) pages and submit it by July 31st, 2021 through EasyChair at this link.

Authors should obtain the session code from the session organizer(s) or find the code from the conference website (e.g., SS#101).

Authors must follow the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings to prepare a manuscript with a length of six (6) pages and submit it by July 31st, 2021 through EasyChair at this link.

Note: When entering the title for your paper on the submission page, please enter "SS#: Your paper title" in the title field (e.g., SS#101: Deep Learning for Human-Machine Interaction)

Authors must follow the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings to prepare a manuscript with a length of four (4) pages and submit it by August 15th, 2021 through EasyChair at this link.

This category is especially useful for late breaking results or industry submissions. These papers will only be presented during the conference, but not in IEEE Xplore.

Note: All accepted regular papers for inclusion into IEEE Xplore are subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's score and quality requirements and will be EI indexed.